Monday, December 24, 2012

It's Christmas Eve so I will keep this short, as there is still much to do to get ready for the big day tomorrow. First, my Christmas wish.

Dear Santa: please help us pass alimony reform this year in Oregon and help all our friends around the country pass reform in their states as well.

Second: my New Year's resolution: remember to take the high road in this debate. Some may feel I have been occasionally too harsh with my words when discussing this issue. It's a very hard situation to be in and at times I have been known to lose my cool.  I am a passionate person at heart and sometimes the filter between my brain and my mouth (or my fingers, as I type) malfunctions.  I am working on that.

Here is to engaging in a calm and reasoned debate on a critical issue in 2013!


  1. And, thank you for fighting the good fight that you do. It’s men and women like me that will benefit with from your efforts. I’m here to support reform! I’m tired of living under an archaic system and supporting an able-bodied, capable, educated, 45-year old man just because I made more than he did. I earned it, he did not. He lives better than I do everyday. Cheers to reform!

  2. Happy New Year to you and we all revel in the hope for change. If this law doesn't come to pass here I will be expatriated in 2014.
